Kasper Law

Advice and advocacy you can trust.

We provide sensitive advice and determined representation in criminal and related matters in all levels of court. 

Criminal defence, Toronto

Practice Areas

Criminal Trials

We represent individuals charged with criminal and quasi-criminal offences. We act at all stages of a criminal charge, from providing pre-charge advice to representation at a trial. 

Criminal Appeals

We represent individuals in criminal appeals in all levels of court. We regularly act on appeals against conviction and sentence.

Child Protection and Secure Treatment

Our firm acts in select child protection and secure treatment matters. We represent children and youth in these proceedings as an agent for the Office of the Children's Lawyer. 

Additional Matters

We provide advice and representation in other matters related to the criminal justice system. For example, we have represented clients in post-conviction proceedings (parole hearings and habeas corpus proceedings) and acted for public interest groups as interveners in criminal appeals.

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Criminal defence Lawyer

About Kasper Law

Ian is a graduate of the University of Waterloo where he obtained a Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours). He then attended Osgoode Hall Law School, where his studies focused almost exclusively on criminal law and related topics. He worked extensively in the Criminal Division of the Community & Legal Aid Services Programme and received the Helen Grossman Q.C. Prize twice for his work.

Ian completed his articles at the law firm of Greenspan Humphrey Lavine. Upon his call to the bar in 2015, he opened a sole practice in chambers with a prominent criminal defence firm in Toronto. In 2017, he joined Kapoor Barristers where he grew his criminal defence practice by representing clients on a variety of trial and appellate matters in all level of courts, including before the Supreme Court of Canada. In 2024, he founded Kasper Law. 

Ian is called to the bar of Ontario and the bar of Nunavut. His practice focuses primarily on criminal trials and appeals. Ian is a member of the Private Panel for the Legal Services Board (Nunavut) and regularly acts as counsel on matters in the territory. He is a coordinator for the Summary Conviction Appeal Court duty counsel program at the Superior Court of Justice in Toronto and a member of the Pro Bono Inmate Appeal Program at the Court of Appeal for Ontario. 

In addition to his criminal defence practice, Ian acts as an Agent for the Office of the Children’s Lawyer in select child protection and secure treatment matters and serves as a Deputy Judge Advocate in the Canadian Armed Forces. He also regularly volunteers his time to serve on the executives of professional organizations. He is an avid curler and proud member of the Royal Canadian Curling Club.  

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